Wednesday, August 30, 2006

being a teacher

life is crazy
Well, I have made it almost two weeks as a full-time high school teacher. I half fear that my students are reading this. If they are, I am happy to say I don't think I have a lot to hide. I love them. They sometimes frustrate me. I worry about what they need from me and what my responsibility is toward them. I worry I am not doing a good enough job. I love learning in order to help them learn. And I know this is just the beginning....I hope this feeling of intrigue lasts and grows into a mature love beyond the honeymoon.
I guess the biggest relief in all this is that I don't feel like a jerk. I feel like me. I believe partly this is maturity on my part, yeah. The last time I had a full-time job was a few years ago. But I would hope Jesus gets ALL the credit, ultimately. He has made me feel okay about myself, truly okay. He has made me feel like there's someone out there who will always be there, to whom I can always return, with whom I can share everything.
My credit card was stolen from Kinko's yesterday, where I have been spending OODLES of time. Eeesh. And I've been too absent-minded and tired to keep track of things like credit cards and driver's licenses. Slightly alarming. I canceled it and told them the purchases that weren't mine: $100 at Fasttrip, some car wash expenditure, $100 or so at Home Depot, $16 at McDonald's. Interesting. I actually prayed for the people who stole it -- that God would give them what they need -- much of that being a realization of His love so they would obey Him and not hurt their fellow brothers and sisters!
That's all for now. Life is good, but I miss my friends. I am listening to some beautiful reggae right now. "The music makes my blood boil.Oh, Lord, my blood is hot. My blood is on fire..." Wow! I don't want to talk on the phone 'cause I got to go to bed, but if you're reading this and you know me, I love ya.