Saturday, June 24, 2006

Jill Briscoe calms the nerves and stirs the spirit

Hey everyone...
well, it's Saturday night, the calm after the storm.

It's been quite a hectic week.

Last night and today, I attended a Jill Briscoe conference at Riverlakes entitled "Return to be Encouraged." It was indeed mucho encouraging. I think one of the wonderful aspects of meetings like that is how they nudge you toward confronting in your heart of hearts how much (or little) EVERY part of your life is submitted to God...this has got me thinking.

I'm including some quotes from Jill below. For those who don't know, here's a quick rundown. she's from Liverpool, England, got saved in a hospital bed when she was 18, is in her 70s (I think) and is on fire for youth ministry, has ministered to women seeking Christ in an attic in a communist country, (among other things), goes all over the world doing Bible studies with women and has a wonderful, gentle British accent.

Now, the quotes/paraphrases:

(Reading Luke Chapter 5)
*"God knows where the fish are...He'll take you there if you're willing."
*We all have just the right boat for God to use.
*Spiritual gifts don't age.
*Our primary call in life is to have a relationship with God. "You're not called to be successful; you're called to be faithful."

Ministry must be: Incarnational: "God was an embryo" in Mary's womb...

relational: "People matter more than schedules..."

devotional: While making this point, she told a story of a church her husband visited in an Albanian village that was started by three nine-year-old girls and pastored by a 12-year-old boy. TRIP OUT. The point being He uses whoever answers the call.

transformational: The more you are transformed, the more they (those with whom you share Christ) will be transformed.

sacrificial: "You can only take people as far as you've gone yourself. You can't take people ahead of yourself." She also told a story of a guy who was worshipping Satan in his basement, turned on Billy Graham on the TV, got saved, and now pastors a church.

This made me (Julia) think: we make things so complicated when we evangelize, don't we?

"When you can't pray, say to God, I'm a prayer. Read me."

"As the pain comes, go with it and the baby of faith will be born."

radical: They won't come to you. Go to them. "We expect the fish to swim into church and look for the bait. I see ourselves nurturing ourselves to death in America."

"If Jesus was a member of your church, where would he be Monday through Sunday?
Where are the unreached people groups? (single moms, divorced, hairdressers)

and generational: Psalm 71: 18-19

Hope that is encouraging to you too!
Much love,


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