Friday, June 09, 2006

I'm new at this

Hey lovely people, from DCF and maybe beyond???

I haven't really done a lot of blog stuff. This is my first blog.

The haps are: it's a beautiful summer night in Bakersfield, I am sitting at home regrouping from a crazy week. Waiting for a pastor to call me so I can interview him for a story I'm writing about a children's ministry here in town.

The sunsets over the past few nights have been rocking my world...mostly for the sounds: faraway ice cream truck music, birds, swaying leaves in the breeze, a lock turning in a key, cars whooshing by on New Stine.

At times like these, I feel like that guy in "American Beauty," who said he wants to cry because there is so much beauty in the world. Times like these make me want to worship the Lord! I'm glad I know who made all this crazy beauty and I know when I feel like this and can't express it, God knows exactly what I mean!


Blogger Julia Kennedy said...

I know, isn't it crazy?

9:20 AM  

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